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In today’s economy, its nice to know some people are feeling good…

«Проникновение наше по планете, особенно заметно вдалеке.
В общественном французском туалете есть надписи на русском языке»
–Владимир Высоцкий

Posted by & filed under Programming.

“We broke a lot of things. We know that, and we know it caused you a lot of pain.”

That’s what Brad Brooks said about Windows Vista on the Worldwide Partner Conference.

So what’s Microsoft’s plan? They’re launching a new advertising campaign! It even includes a TV response ad to Apple’s famous “I’m a Mac, and I’m a PC” ad. Way to go!

This really shows where Microsoft’s priorities are. They’re not going to make a good operating system, one that will advertise itself. They’re going to make the piece of sh*t that is Vista look good by a massive marketing campaign.

Posted by & filed under Programming.

Checking my Windows Updates this week, I found a patch, titled “Update to Windows Vista (KB955020)”. After my recent upgrade problems I check every update offered by Microsoft. Well, according to this article, the update adds the words, such as “Friendster,” “Klum,” “Nazr,” “Obama,” and “Racicot” to the dictionary to prevent applications from underlining the words as spelling mistakes. So far, so good – “Barak Obama” is a phrase used frequently these days, and you don’t want to be distracted by the red squiggly line.

Here is where this gets interesting. The update is 56.3 Mb big. Huh? That’s about 1,000,000 times larger than the weight of the words added to the dictionary!