Posted by & filed under TYPO3.

BE can be locked by maintenance. For that a file typo3conf/LOCK_BACKEND needs to be created – either manually, or using the CLI script lowlevel_admin.

CLI scripts will still have access to the system, and could be used for maintenance during that time.

More info:
RFC: #10322: Send Notification if BE is locked

Posted by & filed under TYPO3.

There are some new functions that load JS libraries:

Loads prototype if it wasn’t loaded already
Loads Scriptaculous, if it wasn’t loaded already
Loads Scriptaculous with modules
Loads ExtJS. This function also accepts two parameters: if first is set to true, ext-all.css will be loaded, if second is set to true, gray theme will be loaded.
If you would like to add ExtJS code to the BE module which has a template class defined (which most BE modules do), you can now add it to an array:
$this->doc->extJsCode[] = …

This code will be inserted into the header section of the page, and wrapped in Ext.onReady(function() { … });

More info:
RFC: #10121: New template-function to add extJS inline code
RFC: #10144: enable JS-Libs in BE