Singletons can now be instantiated with t3lib_div::makeInstance, if they implement interface t3lib_singleton. Singletons are classes that exist as one instance during execution. No matter how many times the class is instantiated, the same instance will be returned. This saves precious memory during execution. More info: RFC #9520: add a scheme to support singletons with t3lib_div::makeInstance
Posts Categorized: Programming
config. absRefPrefix applies to external directories
New configuration variable $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[‘FE’][‘additionalAbsRefPrefixDirectories’] can be set to an array of additional directories to which config.absRefPrefix will apply. If not set, it will only apply to media/ typo3conf/ext and fileadmin/ directories by default. More info: RFC #9452: config.basRefPrefix is applied only to a fixed set of directories
wrapItemAndSub for GMENU
wrapItemAndSub option was available for TMENU object, and could be used to wrap the current item, and all its sub-items. This option is now available for GMENU object as well. lib.graphMenu = HMENU lib.graphMenu { 1 = GMENU 1 { wrap = <ul>|</ul> NO { allWrap = <li>|</li> XY = [10.w]+5,18 10 = TEXT 10… Read more »
Domain redirection status code
When redirecting a domain, its now possible to select the HTTP status code that will be passed along with the redirection. More info: RFC #9400: Integrate jb_status_code in the TYPO3 core
New options in eID
Scripts called through eID have always been limited in terms of functionality, however new features give more options: tslib_eidtools::initLanguage() initializes the language, making localization features easily accessible tslib_eidtools::initTCA() loads TCA tslib_eidtools::getTSFE() initializes the main frontend class TSFE More info: RFC: #9318: Enhance and fix tslib_eidtools