One of the cool new features in the upcoming release of TYPO3 4.3 is ability to overwrite some default backend templates. Here is a description of how to easily overwrite the default login page template. Create a new extension Create a file ext_tables.php, or modify existing one Add a single line: $GLOBALS[‘TBE_STYLES’][‘htmlTemplates’][‘templates/login.html’] = ‘EXT:pb_belogin/res/login.html’; The… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Programming
Copying to tmp table
MySQL may use temporary tables during query execution. Ideally you would want to avoid this, since its an expensive and slow operation. It can be avoided by optimizing queries. Sometimes it can’t be completely avoided – in that case you want to make sure the temporary table is created as a “memory” storage engine table,… Read more »
Timezones in TYPO3
This took me some time to analyze, so I thought I would post it to save time to anyone faced with the same problem. TYPO3 handles timezones, making sure that whatever input it gets is timezone-aware, both server-side, and client-side. Any input in TCEforms that is set to be evaluated as a datetime must be… Read more »
NuSphere PHPed 5.6
The new version of the greatest PHP IDE is officially out!! Here is the official list of key features: PHP Debugging enhancements Settings Wizard provides an easy to use, simple UI to help you start debug PHP scripts in any environment Support for multiple Parallel debugging sessions. You can debug multiple PHP Scripts simultaneously and… Read more »
FTP with TYPO3
TYPO3 has a table for backend users. Those users need to occasionally upload files to the fileadmin directory via FTP. Wouldn’t it be nice to configure the FTP server to pull from the be_users table and authenticate them, so that two separate locations for userdata don’t have to be maintained? It’s possible. This guide documents… Read more »